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Vasileios K. Petropoulos, Partner

Vasileios K. Petropoulos is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the University of Athens. He was called to the Patras Bar in 2003 and joined “OVVADIAS S. NAMIAS LAW FIRM” in 2010.


Vasileios received his legal education at the Universities of Athens (LL.B., 2001) Munich (PhD in Criminal Law, 2005) and Zurich (PhD in Capital Market Law 2008), receiving a grant from the Greek state. He concluded his studies at the University of Munich (Post Doc “Habilitation” 2010) in Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, European and International Criminal Law and Financial Criminal Law.


Vasileios was an academic scholar in capital market law at the CEGLA Institute of the Buchmann Faculty of Law of the University of Tel Aviv (Spring Semester 2010). He has been lecturing at the Hellenic Open University since 2018 in the post graduate program “Forensic and Criminal aspects of corruption, of financial and organized crime” in the module “Criminal handling of corruption and organized crime”. From 2015 to 2020 he lectured Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure Law at the Neapolis University of Paphos (Cyprus).


Vasileios has published several monographies and numerous articles in legal journals. He has participated in several legislative committees, and he is a member of the drafting committee of the legal journal of the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association, “Nova Criminalia”. He lectures at conferences on criminal law and criminal procedure. The full list of his publications and his lectures is available at the following link:


Vasileios has been participating in the BoD of the Hellenic Association of Penal Law since 2017 (currently as treasurer). Further memberships: Hellenic Criminal Bar Association, European Criminal Bar Association, International Association of Penal Law.


He is fluent in German and English and conversational in French and Hebrew.



LinkedIn URL:




23.06.2022 “The interrelation between tax crime and corruption: The Greek experience”, lecture at the VIRTEU International Final Conference 23-24.06.2022, organized by the University of Coventry, with the participation of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF), the European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO) and the Italian Superior School of the Judiciary.

04.06.2022 “Excusable and inexcusable error of law in the new Greek Penal Code”, discourse within the 14nth conference of the Hellenic Association of Penal Law (held at the premises of the national bank of Greece- Athens).

15.12.2021 “Amendments and changes in the property offences of the Greek Penal Code after the implementation of Law Nr. 4855/21”. Seminar on the Law No. 4855/21, organized by the Institute of European and International Penal Law (held at the Court of Appeals of Athens).

25.10.2021 “Is the system of parallel sanctions compatible with the principle of fair trail”? Lecture on European Warrant of Arrest, organized by the Institute of European and International Penal Law – (held at the Law School of Athens).

19.02.2020 “Amendments of the new Penal Code in relation to offences related to property in the framework of commercial activity”, Joint Conference of the Association of Greek Commercialists and the Hellenic Association of Penal Law – (held at the premises of Nomiki Vivliothiki).

11.01.2020 “Active and passive corruption in private sector”, Lecture in the framework of Seminars in relation to the “NEW PENAL CODE”, organized by the Institute of European and International Penal Law – (held at the Court of Appeals of Athens).

15.11.2018 “Penal and Civil liability from acts related to market abuse”, Lecture (with Prof. Dimitrios Liapis, President of the panel former judge of the Supreme Court Pan. Petropoulos and intervention of Dimitris Tsimbanoulis), in the framework of conferences held by the European Banking and Financial Law Society, (held at the Court of Appeals of Athens).

19.05.2018 “Mens Rea in crimes committed by omission”, Conference in: «Intention and negligence in penal law. Detecting the limits”, organized by juridicum rectum (held at the premises of Nomiki Vivliothiki).

24.11.2016 «Civil law issues in penal law (approach and contradiction issues)”, Lecture in a conference held in common by the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association and the Hellenic Association of Civil Law (held at the premises of the Athens Bar Association).

10.10.2016 «Who should carry out the main investigation? The Judge or the Prosecutor? “. Development of argumentation in favor of the Investigating Judge-  Discussion in the form of debate with Ms Rigopoulou, PhD, Public Prosecutor at the First Instance. Discussion organized by the Hellenic Association of Penal Law (held at the premises of the Athens Bar Association).

31.05.2013 “Penal provisions addressing corruption in sports”,  Lecture on the 6th Conference held by the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association – “ Penal treatment of bribery – Possibilities and limits” (held at the premises of Stegi- Onassis Foundation).

09.10.2012 “Review of the Penal Case Law on issues related to the legislation on gambling”. Public discussion of the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association (held at the premises of the Athens Bar Association).




  • Die Berücksichtigung des Opferverhaltens beim Betrug, Munich 2005 (Eds. Herbert Utz)
  • Der strafrechtliche Schutz des Kapitalmarkts vor Manipulationshandlungen nach schweizerischem und EU- Recht, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des deutschen und griechischen Rechts, Zurich 2009 (Eds. DIKE).
  • Die Strafrechtliche Bewertung der Affekttat; auf dem zu einer strafrechtsdogmatischen Begründung der Affektlogik (Eds. NOMOS- to be published)



  • “The interrelation between tax crime and corruption: The Greek experience”, article submitted at the VIRTEU program (to be published).
  • Overview of the Greek legal framework in relation to bribery and corruption, (Bribery and Corruption), 2022, (with Ovvadias Namias and Ilias Spyropoulos), 9th ed., (2022), Global Legal Insights (GLI), Global Legal Group, pages 89-98.
  • “The principle of nemo tenetur in the proceeding of imposing administrative fines that resemble with criminal sanctions under the scope of the ECJ decision C-481/19 (D.B. v. CONSOB)”, Art of Crime November 2021.
  • “Key developments related to anti-corruption legislation and investigations in Greece”, Publication in Anti-Corruption 2021, Global interview panel led by Miller & Chevallier Chartered, Lexology – Getting the Deal Through (2021), (with Ovvadias Namias and Ilias Spyropoulos), pages 85-101.
  • Overview of the Greek legislative and regulatory framework related to regulatory compliance and internal investigations, European Investigations Guide, Hogan Lovells, 2021, p. 117-123, (with Ovvadias Namias).
  • “The procedural rights of the victim of criminal actions in reference to Directive 2012/29/EU”, Liber Discipulorum in honor of Professor Ioannis Giannidis, (P.N. Sakkoulas 2020, p. 661-723).
  • “The crime of match fixing with fraudulent activities in accordance with par. 1, 4 of article 132 of Law 2725/1999”, The Art of Crime, May 2020.
  • “Key developments related to anti-corruption legislation and investigations in Greece”, Publication in Anti-Corruption 2020, Global interview panel led by Miller & Chevallier Chartered, Lexology – Getting the Deal Through (2020), (with Ovvadias Namias and Ilias Spyropoulos), pages 109-123.
  • Trends and Developments in the Greek Anti-Corruption Legislation (with Ovvadias Namias and Ilias Spyropoulos), Chambers and Partners, 2019, 2020 and 2021.
  • Overview of the Greek legal framework in relation to bribery and corruption, 2018, Bribery and Corruption 6th ed., Greece, (2019), 7th edition (2020) 8th edition (2021), (with Ovvadias Namias), Global Legal Insights (GLI).
  • Thoughts on the procedural provisions in respect of offences related to capital market, Nova Criminalia, February 2019.
  • Commentary in the ruling No 2050/2017 of the Court of Appeal of Athens (as a Council), Penal Chronicles 2018 April, 307 et. seq.
  • An overview of the legal framework of the areas of compliance and internal investigations, European Investigations Guide (edit. By Hogan Lovells), 2018 (with Ovvadias Namias), p. 100-106
  • “Violence at sporting events. Observations on the relevant criminal provisions”, The Art of Crime (, issue May 2017.
  • “Penalisation of the organised appearance or leave of fans from and to a sports event”, Essays in Memory of Professor Dede, 2013, 429 et. Seq, Editions: Ant. Sakkoulas.
  • “Bribery in the sports sector. Penal management of bribery” , in “Abilities and limits of the anti- bribery legislation”, 6th Conference of the Hellenic Criminal Bar Association, Nomiki Vivliothiki, Athens 2013, pages 359-421.
  • “Is the application of article 386 of the Penal Code possible in case of capital market manipulation?” Penal Chronicles 2011, p. 554 et. seq.
  • “Das europäische ne bis in idem und die Aufwertung des Opportunitätsprinzips auf Unionsebene”, in: Essays in Honor of Professor Heinz Schöch (2010), p. 857 et. seq.
  • “Meaning and treatment of the offense of capital market manipulation, Penal Chronicles” 2009, 199 et. seq.
  • “Der Sportwettenbetrug durch Manipulation zu Lasten des Wettveranstalters oder des Wettenden”, Wistra 2009, 254 et. Seq. (with Ioannis Morozinis).
  • “The mens rea of the money laundering offence”, Penal Chronicles 2008, 955 et. seq.
  • Commentary in the ruling No 547/2008 of the Supreme Court of Cassation, Penal Chronicles 2008, p. 669
  • “Der Zusammenhang von Vortat und Gegenstand der Geldwäsche“, Wistra 2007, 241 et. seq.
  • “Die Strafbarkeit des Oddset- Sportwettens“, Wistra 2006, 332 et. seq.
    Punishable nature of sport bets with predetermined odds.


Comments on judgements – review of case law 

  • Commentary on the procedural provisions of the stock exchange offences, Nova Criminalia, 5/2019.
  • Commentary on the ruling No 5154/2017 of the Three-Member Admistrative Court of Appeal (increase of criminal fines), Nova Criminalia January 2018.
  • Comments on the Judgement 2050/2017 of the Three Member Court of Appeal of Athens, Nova Criminalia, 2018, p.307.
  • Review of Case law on Drugs, Penal Chronicles 2012, 625 et. seq.
  • Translation of the article “Orientation of Penal Law in relation to the consequences and its limits”, of the Professor of penal law in the University of Erlagen, Franz Streng (with Prof. Nikos Livos), Penal Chronicles 2010, p. 625.
  • Presentation and comments on the Judgement BVerfG Beschluss, 1 BvR 1550/03; 1 BvR 2357/04; 1 BvR 603/05, in Penal Chronicles 2008, 169.
  • Commentary on the Ruling 547/2008 of the Greek Supreme Court, Penal Chronicles 2008, page 669.
  • Presentation and comments of the Judgement BGH 5 StR 181/2006, Penal Chronicles 2007, 373 et. seq.
  • Presentation and comments on the Judgement BGH Beschl. 31. Januar 2007, StB 18/06, Penal Chronicles 2007, 467.


Participation in collective works

  • Commenting on penal provisions of the legislation re to societe anonymes, Articles 176-180 of Law 4548/2018 (with Ovvadias Namias), Interpretation of the provisions of the Law related to S.A., ed. by Antonopoulos/Mouzoulas (Under publication Sakkoulas Athens-Thessaloniki).
  • Article 5 of the ECHR and articles 1-4 of the 7th Protocol of ECHR, in: Interpretation of the provisions of the ECHR, Scientific Direction X. Kondiadis, X. Anthopoulos, I. Sarmas (Sakkoulas Editions Athens -Thessaloniki, 2021).
  • Articles 6, 96, Hellenic Constitution, Interpretation of the provisions. Scientific Direction: F. Spyropoulos, X. Kontiadis, Ch. Anthopoulos, G. Gerapetritis, Sakkoulas publications, Athens-Thessaloniki, 2017.
  • Introductory remarks on penal provisions in gambling, in: Special Penal Legislation, edited by Pavlou/Samios, P.N. Sakkoulas Editions, 2013.
  • Penal provisions in capital market, in: Special Penal Legislation, Samios/Pavlou, P.N. Sakkoulas Editions, 2012.

Legislative committees

Vasileios Petropoulos has participated in several Legislative Committees such as:

The Committee of Legal Experts with the object of altering the legal framework of the capital market (ongoing since July 2020).

The Working Group for “the support of the evaluation of the Country by FATF”, (25/07/2018- alternate member).

The Legislative Committees for:

  • Law 4254/2014 (reform of the legislative framework on bribery).
  • Law 4443/2016 (incorporation of Directive 2014/57/EU on criminal sanctions on market abuse).

The legislative committee for the ratification of international agreements for the transfer of prisoners (Hong Kong, China, Pakistan), 2012.